GEO TRI COLOR GREEN COLOR LENSES will usually ship within 2-3 business days of receiving cleared payment.
Geo Tri Color Green Color Lenses
Have a natural looking size. It doesn’t enlarge the size of the eyes, it simple makes your eyes look more eye catching. These contacts are no circle lenses, you will not be wearing these lenses for the big eyes dolly look, but for the amazing color it has, as these are color cons!

Lens Info
Brand / GEOmedical®
Diameter / 14.2mm
Base Curve / 8.6mm
Water Content / 38%
Life Span / Yearly Disposable
Prescription / Plano (0.00) / -0.50 ~ -6.00 (-0.25 step) / -6.00 ~ -8.00 (-0.50 step)
Package / One pair of lenses and one lens case
Ling –
These lenses are my first lenses. They came 14th day to Turkey.
Today i wore it first time, after a few blinks, it was so light-feeling, I wore them for 4,5 hours, it was soo comfy. It’s soft, light.
Blended perfectly with my dark green eyes, just made a natural,significant shine.
I didn’t told my friend and family that i wore them. They didn’t find it out until i tell them.
It rarely did hurt a little, but when i blink it vanished. (Dunno why actually :D)